We'll take a nice, easy ramble through the trails on the grounds of Woodcock Nature Center in nearby Wilton. Although the nature center building is closed, we can stop and check out the rescued birds of prey in their outdoor cages. The address is 56 Deer Run Road in Wilton - immediately as you pull into the entrance, park at the first parking area and we'll meet there at 10:00.
If you are running late, get lost, or need to cancel, please text Kristen at (203)297-2827.
*Disclaimer: By choosing to register for this event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any location where people are gathered/present. By attending this event, you and any guest(s) who may accompany you to the event voluntarily assume any and all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree to hold harmless your host(s), the Ridgefield Newcomers Club and any of its affiliates, directors, officers, or volunteers for any illness or injury which may result.
© Copyright Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers (formerly; Newcomers Club of Ridgefield)
Contact us:
Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers
P.O.Box 344, Ridgefield, CT, 06877