Come and join us for a Ladies Happy Hour around the fire pit at Louise's house. Wrap up warm as we enjoy some warming drinks and catch up with old and new friends.
Mulled wine and hot chocolate will be provided but feel free to bring your own beverage of choice. We will provide some appetisers but if you feel more comfortable bringing your own then that is ok too.
Numbers for this event will be limited to 8 in line with CDC/CT State guidance. If you fee more comfortable bringing your own glass/cup etc feel free to do so.
Please text Louise if you have to cancel so someone else can potentially join us. Her address and cell will be provided in the confirmation email.
Looking forward to seeing you.
RAIN DATE will be 28th Jan 2021
By clicking “register” on this page, you are acknowledging that an
inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any location where
people are gathered/present. By attending this event, you and any
guest(s) who may accompany you to the event voluntarily assume any
and all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree to hold
harmless your host(s), the Ridgefield Newcomers Club and any of its
affiliates, directors, officers, or volunteers for any illness or injury which
may result.
© Copyright Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers (formerly; Newcomers Club of Ridgefield)
Contact us:
Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers
P.O.Box 344, Ridgefield, CT, 06877