Men's Night Out!
When: Wednesday September 22, 2021
6:30pm - 9pm
Where: Biergarten @ Nod Hill Brewery
As July's visit was a washout... let's try again and visit the great new Biergarten whilst the weather is still nice* !
More info on the Biergarten
can be found by clicking here
Please bring a mask with you, as they are required should we need to go inside and remember to adhere to the establishments COVID guidelines!
* In the unfortunate event we encounter bad weather again, we'll either move indoors
or re-schedule.
Event limited to 12 people.
Hope you can make it and we look forward to seeing you soon!
*Disclaimer: By choosing to register for this event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any location where people are gathered/present. By attending this event, you and any guest(s) who may accompany you to the event voluntarily assume any and all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree to hold harmless your host(s), the Ridgefield Newcomers Club and any of its affiliates, directors, officers, or volunteers for any illness or injury which may result.
© Copyright Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers (formerly; Newcomers Club of Ridgefield)
Contact us:
Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers
P.O.Box 344, Ridgefield, CT, 06877