Let's Celebrate the Holidays Together!
The Newcomers Club will be hosting its Holiday gathering on Friday evening, December 9th, from 6:30 to 9:30pm.
We will be providing food, wine & games. It will be a special evening - DO not miss!
Price is $45/per person
Please come and take part in celebrating this very special season. We'll have food, drink & games. It's sure to be memorable!
This is an adults only (21+) event
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inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any location where
people are gathered/present. By attending this event, you and any
guest(s) who may accompany you to the event voluntarily assume
any and all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree to
hold harmless your host(s), the Ridgefield Newcomers Club and any
of its affiliates, directors, officers, or volunteers for any illness or
injury which may result.