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Cancelled - Hike at Huntington Park (Sunset Hill Rd. entrance)

  • 25 Aug 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Collis P. Huntington State Park, Redding, CT


Appalachian Trail Conservancy

The Collis P. Huntington State Park in Redding, CT is a sizeable park with lots of wide-open trails. Not too hilly, so we can enjoy a leisurely ramble around the parks lakes and streams. Dogs and kids are welcome!

Please note there are multiple entrances to the park, but we will meet at 9:00 in the parking lot on Sunset Hill Road in Redding - about 3/4 mile north of Rt 58 (Black Rock Turnpike).

If you have signed up but are running late or need to cancel, please text Kristen at 203-297-2827 to let me know.

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Ridgefield Neighbors and Newcomers

P.O.Box 344, Ridgefield, CT, 06877

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